Saturday, June 19, 2010

A Piece Of Mind I'd Steal

I love to talk, as evidence as in this blog and in the real life... thus the nick's 'talkIzcheap'

I can and enjoy talk about everything, again, evidence by this blog [I guess]...

But, I guess, the two things I most enjoyed talk about are Taekwondo and Biotech! [yes, you read it right, even Manchester United don't really count in the equation... guess I'm not 'true' enough, wakaka!!]

During a year after graduation, I was involved occasionally in 'Biotech Promotion to Schools' around Malaysia. Since my supervisor was part of the program, so, some of his RAs can join the promotion program by turn.

It's quite well-paid part time job plus the travels [even though just domestically, but we got to stay on 5 star hotels and free travel fees :D], considering its pay RM400 per day, with the job description consist of playing [biotech] board's games. Top that with the fact that my supervisor paid me the same amount of money for a month job! T.T

But I enjoy the job more than anything, maybe as much I ever enjoy my Taekwondo training, and the pleasure are very much as seeing Man Utd winning matches.

Talk about doing something you really love doing...

I don't know why, giving away information on biotech to newbies or public, make my heart jumping around. I'll explain with full passion, although there still some mistake in my explanation back then, but the program was something very useful for fresh grad like me at that time to refresh our knowledge and meet the public. The program was planned as such its consist of demonstration for the simplest way to extract DNA from onion [something that can attract younger audience], and also some biotech based board's game [which attract even older audience!]. On both program [demonstration and board game] contain such information, that even us, biotech grad, can go like 'Wow' on it... hahaha!

Its pity to think that such program is on hold right now, and the people who work on contracts to make it successful now scatter around doing something else... even now not even related to biotech anymore! Me include, huhuhu...

But I heard recently that the program maybe be relived, which gonna be a good news coz, this time, I hope to be on the receiving end of the program [like I was once, before I decided to take the course in the University]!!

Oh, btw...

My cousin apparently gonna take Biotech course too [different major than me, though] in my previous University... Now I know I'll have a successor there :p


Tagged again by you-know-who...

1. What's on my mind? [cam facebook dah plak...]

It doesn't matter what's on my mind... the things that matter is what's in my heart, coz that is the truth! :p

2. What's your alias [nama samaran]

You know I've got to kill you after I tell you... hehe :p

3. Give three people that you love...

Three won't do justice to all of them, so just consider you're in it, coz it is true...

4. Apakah panggilan untuk si dia [aku mengalami kesukaran untuk men'traslate'kan ayat ini ke BI, thus make this entry one of the entry dgn bahasa rojak again... :p]

siapa yang kau maksudkan dengan 'dia'??? [haw haw!!]

5. Presents that I dreamed of to get from someone special

A piece of thought...

6. Blog I visit the most

Mostly those on my blog's link and my followers, sometimes randomly visit from the button 'Next Blog' on the top of the homepage and from those who comment on my entries....

7. Tag  the other 15 bloggers [LOL! you kidding me??]

see previous...

hahaha!! Kalo tak puas hati, jangan marah, nanti kena jual....wakakak!!

T/t: For every battle he's choosing, for every fight he's losing, his enemy are not far behind... For every lies she's spoken, for every promise she's broken, her enemy are not far behind....


trashtalk here, beware, everything you said can and will be used against you~ LOL