Thursday, December 30, 2010

Lagu Kemenangan Skuad Harimau Mu... eh, Malaysia!

Click link for the song on youtube...
Then sing along with the new lyric below...
Alright guys, are you ready??

[Rajagopal:] Well, are you ready, Mat YO?
[Shahrul Idlan Talaha aka Mat YO:] Yeah...
[Rajagopal:] How about you, Safee?
[Safee:] Oh, I'm there, baby
[Rajagopal:] How about you, Fahmi?
[Fahmi:] Fucking ready...
[Rajagopal:] Well, I think I'm alright


3-2-1 We came to win
Everybody party till the linesman comes

Sparkle like Rooney in the morning sun
And get a parking violation on Bung Karno till it's done

Hair Back, collar up, jet black, so cool!
Play it like the kids that are mean to you, 

When you wanna be a football star (c'mon!)
Play the game and take team real far (c'mon!)
Play it right and drive a Volvo car (c'mon!)
Pick a fight at an airport bar!!

The kids don't care if you're all right, honey
Cards don't help but it sure is funny

Gimme gimme some of that vampire money c'mon!

Oh you look like a trophy I used to win...

3-2-1 we got the ball
Everybody hurry till the wing man comes

Glimmer like Bojan in the morning sun
And get your finger on the trigger
Tap the ball off the goalkeeper!

Hair back, motherfucker!
Jet black, so cool
Dribble it like the kids that are mean to you 

When you wanna be a football star (c'mon!)
Play the game and take team real far (c'mon!)
Play it right and drive a Volvo car (c'mon!)
Pick a fight at an airport bar

The kids don't care if you're all right, honey
Pills don't help but it sure is funny
Gimme gimme some of that vampire trophy


Oh fuck yeah
That's right


Well 3-2-1 we came to fuck
Everybody party till the groundman comes

Sparkle like Berba in the morning sun
And get a parking violation on Bung Karno till it's done

Hair Back, collar up, Cantona, so cool!
Score it like the kids that are mean to you 

When you wanna be a football star (c'mon!)
Play the game and take team real far (c'mon!)
Play it right and drive a Volvo car (c'mon!)
Pick a fight at an airport bar

The kids don't care if you're all right, honey
Fouls don't help but it sure is funny
Gimme gimme some of that AFF trophy 


for original lyric, click here

T/t: Sing it for the boys, sing it for the girls, every time that you WIN it, sing it for the WORLD! Sing it from your heart, sing it till you NUTS, sing it for the one that HATE YOUR GUTS! Sing it for the deaf, sing it for the blIND, sing about EVERYONE THAT YOU LEAVE BEHIND!!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

!Trash Talk! Episode I: The Phantom Image


Jika kamu membaca entri ini, maka ketahuilah olehmu sesungguhnya blog ini sudah pun memasuki umur yang ke SETAHUN jagung!!

Yeah, dan Tahniah sekali lagi!!

Maka genaplah setahun ruangan cyber ini disepahkan oleh aku melalui blog ini. Entah apa-apa, aku pun tak tahu apakah kebaikannya yang diperoleh oleh orang-orang yang membaca 'belog' (pinjam perkataan kegemaran Hanis Zalikha, heh :p) ini... Tu pun kalau ada orang yang baca la...

Bukan niat aku untuk berkongsi tarikh lahir 'belog' aku ini dengan tarikh lahir Yesus Kristus (mengikut kepercayaan Kristian), tapi mungkin atas lahirnya rasa bosan yang teramat pada tarikh ini tahun lepas, aku memutuskan untuk "why not?"

(Iklan: untuk post pertama aku, sila klik sini.)

Hakikatnya, sampai hari ini aku masih tak percaya yang aku telah menulis kesemua entri dalam belog ini, walaupun diakui terdapat juga beberapa isi kandungan yang terlampau ringkas, dicedok dari sumber sekunder, tertier dan sebagainya, namun yang selebihnya lahir daripada inspirasi sendiri (melalui pelbagai sumber lain jugak!) yang aku kira memberi imej tersendiri terhadap 'belog' ini.

Memang aku amat jauhlah kiranya untuk dibandingkan dengan selebriti blogger yang lain yang jauh lebih terkehadapan, lebih matang dalam menulis 'belog' mereka, namun aku percaya yang setiap perkara boleh dipelajari, dilatih dan lama-kelamaan menjadi lebih tajam skill seseorang itu. Cuma kita perlu bersikap terbukalah dalam proses pembelajaran kita itu.

Ceh, apekejadah aku membebel ni? Aku kira 'belog' ini telah cuba untuk memberikan imejnya yang tersendiri dalam tahun pertama kewujudannya ini, dan dengan perkataan 'cuba', aku tak bermaksud yang ia berjaya... keh keh keh!!

So, sebagaimana anda kira anda melihat 'belog' ini bagaimana, aku terima seadanya, dan anda juga harus terima seadanya, kerana kemungkinan besarnya ia takkan berubah untuk 100 tahun lagi, huhuhu...

Apa-apa pun, ribuan terima kasih untuk Followers 'belog' ini, tegar atau tidak, anda semua adalah antara yang pertama, Deus, Azx, Floe, Cik Faeezan (never really know who you are, though, huhu...), cik Sephia 'theredwarriors sejati', Tasha and Musyai, dan tak lupa pada abe Jarr 'the Kopites', Mr Freak (takde belog dan tak pernah komen, so tak tahu identiti sebenar, thanks anyway, though...), invisible follower, dan ketika artikel ini ditulis (tulis sebelum auto-post) seorang follower terbaru, EqussCaballus - Welcome to the !Trash Talk!

Sesunggunya anda semua inspirasi saya...

Tak lupa juga kepada pengkomen mana-mana entri dalam 'belog' ini walaupun cuma sekali untuk mem'promote' link 'belog' anda. Anda merupakan pendorong saya untuk terus menulis. Terutamanya di entri paling banyak sambutan dan komen, iaitu entri review manga: Kindaichi Shonen no Jikembo!

Review manga sedang saya berkira-kira untuk melakukannya sekurang-kurangnya dua kali lagi, tapi dek kerana dua-dua manga ni saya kira boleh diberikan tahap legendary, maka saya harus berhati-hati dan study betul-betul sebelum membuatnya. Lagipun salah satu manga tersebut masih on-going, so, macam mana nak buat review? Namun saya akan cuba juga...

Dan, ya, jangan risau, saya akan habiskan 'My Caffein Romance, seboleh-bolehnya sebelum minggu depan, sebelum cerita menjadi basi, heh heh...

owh, rasanya cukuplah setakat ini. Sesiapa yang mahu membelanja kek sempena ulangtahun 'belog' ini, silalah berbuat demikian dengan kehadiran saya, okey! Janganlah kedekut kek pulak...

Ceh, ending tak best, huhuhu....

Jumpa tahun depan (God-willing) dalam !Trash Talk! Episode II: Attack of The Blogs (working title)

T/t:  "Everyone has something to say, everyone has points to prove,but eventhough the things that we're saying do have a point, doesn't put us in the right or wrong party..."

Monday, December 20, 2010

My Caffeine Romance

Aku tak pasti apa yang patut aku tulis setelah menulis tajuk kali ini, dan setelah menulis lebih kurang beberapa perenggan, save dalam blogger, apabila aku edit balik, aku telah memutuskan untuk memadamkan kesemua ayat-ayat yang telah aku mula tulis sebelum ini.

Bahkan 20 minit yang lalu aku masih berkira-kira sama ada aku patut menulis entri kali ini dalam BI (Bahasa Inggeris) ataupun dalam BI (Bahasa Ibunda). Such is how indecision person I am...

Lalu aku keluar ke 7E terdekat, mencari satu-satunya 'senjata' ampuh untuk aku menulis entri kali ini, iaitu 'senjata' ampuh yang sama aku gunakan untuk menulis banyak lagi entri-entri dalam !Trash Talk! ini, yang aku kira mendapat sambutan yang fenomenal (ya, dalam mimpi aku!) iaitu Nescafe Original Nestle...

Lalu aku fikir ada baiknya jika entri kali ini dibuat dalam bentuk narratif...


Lalu aku mengambil tempat yang biasa aku ambil di mapley dan menghirup air di atas mejaku itu, nescafe susu, memang suatu anugerah Ilahi kepada insani di dunia ini! Aku juga kurang pasti sudah berapa tahun aku jatuh cinta dengannya. Adakah ketika satu masa dulu apabila pertama kali aku meminta emak aku untuk membuatkan secawan air yang sama dengan yang dibuatnya untuk ayahku, dan dengan sekali hirup, terus aku jatuh cinta buat seumur hidup...

Hey, mungkin itulah yang dikatakan orang cinta pandang pertama? Walaupun dalam kes aku, ianya lebih sesuai dinamakan "cinta hirupan pertama"?

Namun, pada hari ini, nescafe sudah semacam menjadi lebih daripada sekadar minuman sahaja. Ianya bagaikan satu dadah! Dadah yang mengketagihkan! Ramai lelaki yang menghisap rokok dalam dunia moden ini, Jangan tanya aku pasal statistik kerana perkara-perkara mudah seperti itu kita sudah mempunyai google untuk memberikan jawapannya, tapi dari pemerhatian selama suku abad aku, itu adalah realitinya. Tanyalah perokok adakah mereka akan simply berhenti merokok kerana harga rokok naik, risiko penyakit kronik, ataupun kerana gambar-gambar ngeri yang di'exaggerate'kan pada kotak rokok?

Aku yakin jawapan kebanyakkannya adalah 'tidak'. Rightly so...

Begitulah aku dengan Nescafe. Mungkin Nescafe ini tidak mendatangkan risiko kanser paru-paru dan strok pada hari tua anda, namun jika ia boleh, ada aku kisah? ha-HA!

Tapi itu cerita lain...

Yes, Nescafe is just like the cigarette for me, without the smoke, of course...

Bagi aku amat payah untuk menghabiskan minuman ini dengan sekali teguk atau dengan rakus, sepertimana orang kebanyakan meminum air sirap untuk menghilangkan dahaga mereka ketika berhari raya. Ia harus dinikmati sedikit-sedikit. Hirup demi hirup harus dihayati dan biasanya ia datang dengan sesuatu yang lebih serius. Satu idea atau pemikiran!

Lalu aku menghirup nescafe lagi...

Pada aku, amat jarang sekali aku memesan atau membeli mahupun membancuh nescafe untuk menghilangkan rasa haus aku. Mungkin pernah sekali-sekala, tapi untuk kebanyakan waktu lain, ianya adalah untuk sebab yang lebih maha, lebih maha daripada MAHA itu sendiri...

Aku meminumnya, hirup demi hirup, adalah untuk mendapatkan lebih ilham, lebih clear idea about what the fucking world is all about...

Kadang-kadang aku memikirkan tentang situasi semasa dunia ini dan masyarakatnya. Mengenai isu-isu dan struggle yang harus kita lalui hari-hari, sebagai individu mahupun ahli masyarakat. Refleksi terhadap permasalahan orang lain sebenarnya susah untuk seseorang individu itu cernakan, melainkan seseorang itu menjadi lebih understanding...

Lalu aku membuka akhbar hari ini, sambil menghirup nescafeku satu kali lagi...

Helai demi helai yang aku belek memberikan pelbagai jenis cerita yang berlainan, yang mana jika didalami dengan lebih jauh, memberikan impresi dan definisi berbeza terhadap 1001 benda. Ini memberhentikan pemikiran aku sejenak kepada tuduhan sesetengah kelompok bahawa surat khabar arus perdana ketika ini semakin hilang reputasinya. Berita-berita dimuatkan dengan nada bias dan disensasikan lebih daripada keperluan sebenarnya.

Sukar sebenarnya untuk sama ada bersetuju atau tidak dengan pandangan sebegini. Pertama adalah kerana kita sendiri terbatas dalam mengetahui, apatah lagi menintepretasikan berita-berita, mahupun kejadian-kejadian yang menghasilkan berita-berita itu sendiri, jadi bagai'fuckingmana' (pinjam dari The Alpha Kotey) untuk kita mengesahkan kesahihan sesuatu laporan berita itu? Of course certain news hanya perlukan sedikit logik untuk membuat spekulasi, namun spekulasi, seperti juga dakwaan terhadap kesahihan berita-berita medai arus perdana sekarang, juga adalah sesuatu yang bogus at best...

Jadi, berita-berita surat khabar itu semuanya benar atau tidak? Entahlah... Mungkin kita hanya boleh berharap agar integriti wartawan tersebut masih intact dalam melaporkan berita, se-intact rekod tanpa kalah Manchester United dalam Liga Perdana Inggeris musim ini...

Satu lagi hirupan nescafe singgah dibibir...

bersambung... (sehingga aku sempat menulis lagi)

T/t: If you stay, I will either wait all night... Or until my heart explodes out!

Sunday, December 19, 2010


No small thanks to Azx and Floe Ferarri...

Name : talkIZcheap! (it's all ya need to know...)
Full name : Bukan Nama Sebenar
Sibling(s): ramai
Eye colour : hitam untuk anak mata, putih untuk yang sekelilingnya, kecuali kalau mengantuk, dia jadi merah 'berpeluh-peluh',,,
Shoe size : 8, err, 7... er, 9? 6 kadang-kadang... entah, ikut size UK ke US ni??
Hair : Short
Height : 169.5764321cm
What are you wearing right now : Pakaian yang menutup aurat...
Favourite number :  7 (Eric 'the King' Cantona, of course)
Favourite drink : Nescaffe, Necaffe Original, Necaffe Original, dan ooh, tak lupa juga kepada... Necaffe Original!
Favourite month : the 13th Month...
Favourite breakfast : yang free

.Have you ever.
Broken a bonemines or others?
Been in a police car : not that I can remember, wait, lemme think... hurmm, nope, still no...
Fallen for a guy/girl in a short period of time : NO! I never fall, I always win!! Wait, what did you mean by "that's not answering the question"?
Swam in the ocean : I can't swim! *enhem! -bangga*
Fallen asleep in school : I even fallen asleep in the office!!

Broken someone's heartI used to break some planks, but heart? How did you break a heart? Unless you break the rib first but still... heart is pretty soft, its hard to break soft things, I mean,  boleh ke kita 'pecahkan' bantal, contohnya, kan? What? That's not the question mean? Then what its mean?

Cried when someone died : yeah... But it's understandable... Third Hokage's death is pretty sad...

Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : Sat by the phone all night waiting for the alarm to buzz...

Saved e-mails : work related, wajib dowh, ISO kind of thing...

Been cheated on : selalu lar, kalau time main dOTA tu, budak-budak ni kata nak attack sama-sama, sekali datang team lawan, diorang lari tinggalkan aku sorang-sorang terkontang -kanting...

Your room look like : I don't have a room... oh, you mean the one at 'kampung' ke? Look like a garage (it is actually WAS a garage...)
What is right beside you : udara...
What is the last thing you ate : Nasik Goreng Sea Food, Rm 5.00

.Ever Had.
Chicken pox : check!
Sore throat : setiap selepas Taekwondo Tournament dan Final Piala Malaysia hari tuh... huhu
Stitches : tak jantan lar kalau takde stitches!!

.Do You.
Believe in love at first sight : I'm not sure myself either I even believe in love...huhu!
Like picnics? : boleh la...

Who did you last yell at? : Ucop!
Who was the last person you danced with? : myself... wait, this is a trick question, eh?
Who last made you smile? : Park Ji Sung

.Final Questions.
What are you listening to right now? : my full list of Mp3, basically consist of My Chemical Romance and Sum 41 (up to now), specifically when I'm typing this is "Open Your Eyes"- Sum 41

What did you do today? : Tidur, bangun, melalak, pergi majlis bertunang ex-housemate kat Jalan Semarak, pergi jalan-jalan Key EiiL, balik sambung tidur, main Facebook, pergi makan, tengok bola, balik sambung main Facebook dan jawab benda alah ni....

Are you the oldest? : nahh..i'm the second (copy-paste Azx :p)
Indoors or outdoors? : 3 Doors Down!

.Last person who.
You talked to on the phone ? : Mak gua...
Made you cry? : myself
You went to the mall with ? : dengan siapa-siapa yang ajak (kalau boleh tolong lar belanja sekali...)
Who cheered you up ? : Manchester United, and you guys too heh heh (ambik hati :p)

.Have you.
Been to Mexico ? : I'm only cross the border once... to Sg Golok!
Been to USA ? : see above

What books are you reading right now? : Facebook! It's still a 'book', right?

Best feeling in the world? : the feeling that you felt when you know something goes on your way after you're sweating on it, or the feeling of finally feel alive after a near death experience, or the feeling of hard-work's sweat running through your body... Sometime the feeling when Manchester United win a match, especially when they have to come back from behind and won it at the last gasp of the game... I know what the name of the feeling now! 
It's called the feeling of SUCCESS!!

Future kids name? : Futurama!

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? : Setan merah satu, ular hijau satu dan Barnie... Semua tu Dain punya, tapi kadang-kadang aku terpaksa pinjam buat bantal... Aku takde bantal, dowh...

What's under your bed? : I don't have bed... Oh, you mean the one at kampung? It will take us another blog to write about it, believe me!
Favourite sport (s) : the one that I'm good at! keh keh!!
Favourite place : somewhere I belong
Who do you really hate? : haters!
Do you have a job? : kinda.. I think so,... well, maybe I do...huhu
What time is it now? :1:43 AM, owh... shit!

p/s : with however long it took you to complete this, post as "banyak tanya be... owh, tak perasan tadi... 

Gua tag semua, siapa-siapa yang baca benda nih, gua tak kira!! 

Kalau lu tak buat, maknanya lu takde kotey

Kalau lu perempuan, lu nasib baik!!

T/t: Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies... Across this new divide!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

My Taekwondo Romance II

It's about 6 more month until I celebrated a historical day in my Taekwondo life, a day which I will be celebrating 'something' of which I will tell you again when the time comes... heh heh!

But for today, and largely for the majority of this year actually, I was thinking of quitting Taekwondo!

It is of course would be a drastic decision if I really taken it, especially to those who knows me precisely and know how passionate I am towards the sport, the art...

The thing is this is not easy, and would never be an easy decision, even now I just thinking of it, not actually doing it... Maybe there were certain factors which I think could rationalize my decision, if I ever actually take one...

Dead End

Taekwondo has become increasingly a dead end to me. Nowhere to go, can't go further, certainly ain't turning back... I'm good at it, but never good enough.There's so much room for improvement, but hardly anything else to be learn. I think the main issue is that I find that there is no longer something new this art could offer me. Though its discipline, philosophy, techniques and its art is something I took seriously and proudly and never grew tired of it, but there were only a room for more practice/training, which, at the current level, I can just do it myself without relying on master or club...

The training, maybe, become increasingly dragging and drought out to the extend that I don't see me progressing in my martial arts and self-defense skill in it anymore...

Quitting and change to something new (martial arts) is the only way I see to broaden my perspective in these two areas...

Chaotic's Politic

So much political struggle in associations (clubs or national body) that even a member as detach as me can feel the uncertainty and chaos around it... Maybe people should learn to simplify things and don't give in to greed, but maybe that's a story for another day...

The world body itself wasn't any much help either. Too much concentrating in upbringing the art (and sport) in Korea's motherland of the art only, and almost disregard other members within it around the globe. This is evident through the accusation by the doubters that many clubs in Americas and Europe with their main purpose are to make money, rather than focusing on increasing the quality of the art. I can't say for sure about the phenomena of McDojo (the terms given to these kind of Taekwondo's schools) in Malaysia, but there were surely some instructors, if not clubs, who actually did all these. I am lucky enough not to become a student of any of them though...

About the world body again, the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF), even though I've been made understood by my current master that WTF is developing the art so that its actually benefit the Koreans people, one way or another, and to actually protect their national pride within the sport, I can't help myself to feel, at times, that the International body is killing the the vast expanding of the art and all of it's philosophy if they're repeating to only benefit the Koreans.

With all due respect, it IS their art though, which made the change will be hard to come by, especially by a non-Koreans. That will serve as another major factor for me to consider quitting the association...

To Unlearn the Learned...

In this world, one has to make sacrifice to be success. One has to make bold decision at times... One has to let go the most precious thing/person he or she ever possessed just so that they can either find something better, or realized how great the thing they used to have. Either way, it makes one stronger!

It make one focus become more sharp, make them realize of what do they really want in their lives. At times, it give us the NEW MOTIVATION... Now, my friends, that is what I'm lacking...

To unlearn what have been learned is to purify ourselves again. Again becoming the innocent 'white sheet' baby. To make rooms for something new to be create on 'its' surface. This is the first step to take whenever one has a desire to learn something new, especially if the root of the subject actually in the same field of the things that one has learned before.

To understand and widen out my perspective on the art's of martial art and self-defense, I have to indulge myself to other theories, techniques, philosophies and to certain extend, if needed, a new way of life...

At the end of the day I hope to grind a positive result, of becoming more understanding person, not just in the field of martial arts itself, but also about life. And the most important part of it, the people!

Well, I write too much and I didn't really give out a point...

Maybe I just sick of the way of training (currently) and seeking a new environment in which they will emphasized more on area of self-defense and martial art that wasn't really cover up by my two previous masters. The first, either consciously or unconsciously, taught me the important of the basics, and my second master show me the important of keep pushing on and raising the confident... Maybe what I hope next is something of more me... Someone who can tell me about the important of simplifying things up...

But, hey... one can't always get what he wants, right?

The Aftermath

Maybe it's just bored and loneliness of not having a training for a quite some time now, or maybe it's the case of falling out of love. The true feelings that I can tell you readers right now is that I'm feeling tired. And stall!

The thing is, this maybe just my inner self trying to scream out my frustration over the doubters of the art/sport.

Or maybe to scream out my own doubt about it...

Or maybe it's just a mere frustration over it or over the whole something else I hardly can explain...

The truth is still, I love the art, its philosophy, its techniques, its theories, its history, its discipline, and its way of life...

Maybe, after all...

I just need something new to expand and progress my own fucking self!

Life, though, goes on...

T/t: Sorry to Azx and Floe, but I just don't feel like it to do your tag... maybe on the other quantum of time and  space... :p

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Kita salahkan sistem, salahkan mentaliti orang lain, kita salahkan masyarakat, kita salahkan ahli politik, parti politik, fahaman politik, politik itu sendiri, kita salahkan sistem pendidikan kerana terlalu mementingkan pencapaian dalam peperiksaan, kita salahkan ekonomi yang jatuh dan merudum, kita salahkan harga pasaran dan kebergantungan kepada subsidi untuk naikkan harga petrol....

Ini semua salah nenek moyang kita sebab masa nak merdeka dulu ikut sangat kata-kata penjajah, ini semua salah masyarakat kita yang jumud dan tak berdaya saing, ini semua salah masyarakat yang ketinggalan dalam ilmu sains dan teknologi. Ini semua salah pemimpn yang korup. Ini semua salah pemimpin yang jumud. Ini semua salah pemimpin yang terkongkong idealistiknya dek kerana kekangan agama dan budaya bangsa. Ini semua salah perlembagaan negara. Ini semua salah pengaruh budaya barat, salah ibu bapa yang tak pandai jaga anak, salah guru-guru yang tak reti mengajar. Salah sistem melatih guru-guru kita yang melahirkan guru yang hanya mengajar demi mendapat gaji dan pencen.

Ini semua salah dunia barat yang berkrisis kerana kepentingan peribadi. Ini semua salah pasaran global. Ini semua salah kapitalis, komunis dan semua lis-lis dan nis-nis yang lain. Ini semua salah makanan manis, salah gula dan salah diabetis! Ini semua salah tauke simen dan tauke kilang gula sebab harga barang-barang ini naik. Ini semua salah Zionis dan Illuminatus. 

Ini semua salah sejarah dan kekeliruannya. Ini semua salah revolusi perindustrian dan pembakaran terbuka. Ini semua salah kesan rumah hijau dan pemanasan global. Ini semua salah kegiatan pemburuan dan pembalakan haram. Ini semua salah pemimpin dan masyarakat yang korup dan selfish! Ini semua salah Manchester United dan Sir Alex Ferguson!

Ini semua salah ibu mengandung...

Yang tak salah dan tak pernah akan salah ialah kita sendiri!

Sebab kita sempurna, kita lengkap. Kita dah tahap-tahap dewa, tahap wali-wali...

Kitakan ma'sum!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Keep Running!

Clean up, 
Corporation progress,
Dying in the process,
Children who can talk about it
Living on the webways,
People moving sideways,
Sell it till your last days,
Buy yourself a motivation
Nothing but a death scene
Product of the white dream.
I am not the singer 
that you wanted, but a dancer,
I refuse to answer
Talk about a past, sir
Wrote it for the one who want to get away!

Keep Running...

Monday, December 6, 2010

The Reality Checkmate!

Ingat lagi tak pasal staf bank yang datang buat survey dekat kantin ofis/lab aku hari tu?

Tak ingat? takpe... Baca balik kat sini.

Okey, seperti yang dimaklumkan, aku telah bagi mereka no handphone aku kepada diorang dengan harapan palsu kepada diri-sendiri agar diorang terlalu busy dan tak telefon aku balik...

Tapi jangkaan aku ternyata tepat, mereka pasti akan call!

Bank officer: Hello, En ####?

Gua: Ya, saya...

Bank Officer: Saya dari ** Bank, hari tu encik ada join survey dari bank kami kan, dekat *** (ofis gua)

Gua (berkerut muka): ya, ya... ada...

Bank Officer: Kat sini encik ada tulis yang encik berminat nak tahu lebih lanjut dengan skim kami ni kan?

Gua: (dalam hati aku dah menyumpah seranah diri sendiri, apsal la kau gatal sangat tanda kotak 'Ya' hari tu?? kan dah kena!): er... a'ah...

Bank Officer: jadi, boleh tak saya nak jumpa encik esok..tuuut!!

Panggilan terputus tiba-tiba. Aku dah nak buat sujud syukur dah pasal TM/Celcom yang aku selalu kutuk-kutuk akhirnya berjasa jugak, tapi tak jadi pasal aku masih dalam washroom lagi masa tu...

Tetiba, ring tone bunyi balik. Alamak! Nombor tadi... terpaksa gua angkat memandangkan gua sangat beretika orangnya...

Bank Officer: En #### ya? Sorry tadi panggilan terputus. So, macam mana? Boleh tak kita jumpa esok?

Gua: Err... tak boleh la, cik, (ya, caller tu perempuan, tapi tak dapat dipastikan sama ada awek atau makcik... suara cam makcik je...) esok bos saya suruh masuk ofis, ada kerja... tu la, cuti-cuti pun kena kerja, berkhidmat untuk negara la katakan... (okey, yang last tu aku tambah sendiri)

Bank Officer: Oo, tak boleh ek? Jadi, kalau Rabu ok tak?

Gua: (ish, pushy pulak makcik ni, tak tahu ke yang sebenarnya aku tak berminat?) Err... tak boleh jugak la, sebab Rabu sampai Jumaat saya kena Out-station (betul! Sumpah aku tak tipu sikit rabuk pun!)...

Bank Officer: ya ke? Jadi bila baru encik free?

Gua: (apa free-free? semua benda kena bayarlah!) Dalam minggu depan lah, tapi itu pun kena tengok keadaan jugak, mana tahu kalau tiba-tiba saya kena rushing mana-mana lagi pulak, saya tak tahu lagi...

Bank Officer: Ooo, macam tu ek... takpe lah, nanti minggu depan, hari Isnin saya call encik balik la...

Gua: (ceh, persistent!) a'a... ok lah, kita tengok la macam mana Isnin nanti...

-Tamat perbualan telefon-

Ok, seriously, aku memang la tak berminat dengan skim dia tu pasal memang takde kaitan dengan aku, leceh sial!! Memang seperti yang aku nyatakan dalam entri sebelum ini la...

So, untuk minggu ni, aku berjaya mengelakkan diri daripada dengar syarahan bosan yang semestinya mahu cuba aku sign something yang aku tak faham yang akan end up aku kena bayar something kat bank tu...

Arghh.. bosan!!

So, macam mana? Isnin nanti apa alasan terbaik yang harus aku bagi untuk elak berjumpa dengan staf bank yang leceh ni? Kena masuk hutan? Terima panggilan PLKN (kejadah PLKN umur 25?), atau terpaksa join millitary service? oops, lupa pulak, kita bukan duduk dekat Korea...


T/t: And I look up to the sky and curse my fate, and the rain start falling, the water run down to my eyes, as if they were saying "Fuck you too!"

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Everything is Perfect, Keep Smiling...

A friend of mine, he is very positive man, and a very 'right wing' kind of men... So good being him is that he can actually see a bright side of every 'darkness' that we see about, well, uh... you-know-who(what)...

Then there is another friend of mine who recently wrote on his FB's status (it just an FB's status, what a big deal??) that one shouldn't complain about their work while others are still jobless, and shouldn't complain bout the distance their travel to go for it while others travel on the same distance on foot...

He's got a good point, but what get me thinking is the whole idea of 'complaining'...

You know, '!Trash Talk!' was actually found on the base for me to complain everything that I saw wasn't on their right place or at least on their right track, but I am a very quite person in term of addressing my true thought, that this blog had become more about football and Manchester United, but that's alright cause it's still on its right objectives anyway...

So, for the today question, is it a rational things to complain, or that we just have to think bout others who are less fortunate and just thankful for what ever happen to us as part of God's plan, no matter how deep a shit we're in?

Well, there's thing that we should be thankful for, and other things we should be patient for... the rest, is for us to complain!

You see, complaining is part of progress, isn't it? If it isn't so, then for what the customer service are for? In time of where everything is about supply and demand, about product and how much we paid for it, complaining is just a part of the big game we called life!

Once we paid for a products or services, we hope that it will work the way as the brochure  said it would, and if it isn't, we have every right to complain and get a better service/product as we are already paid for it... So there you go, in the modern world of capitalist, complaining is the only hope for the consumer!

So do the other part of lives. In politic, clearly the only time that our complain will be heard out loud were during the elections, unless of course you were living in the monarchy state or communist state that is... And when people complain during the election's campaign, the politicians tend to agree on every demand as long as they can be kept in power, so the voters just play through the politicians' weakness at this time. Of course there were politicians who go behind their promises, but the pressure were always on when they neglects their voters and their promises onto them. Come next term, this kind of politician will find himself deserted in a place that they were in charge a term before! In our country where the politics were on party-based, these kind of politicians will not just received a pressure from the people, they will also will received pressure from their party's higher up for their failure. But the thing is, if they were not up to what they said before the elections, the people must spoke up, especially the voters, towards the channel provided, that is to COMPLAIN!

So, again, we can see the power of complaining...

"If only you can see the PAWWA of complainin'!!"

So, kids, remember... For every time they try to count you out, use your voice every time you open up your mouth, and use your voice for every time they try to shut you up!

T/t: kids don't care if you're alright, honey, pills don't help but it sure is funny, gimme gimme some of that vampire money, c'mon!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Cara-cara yang Salah Kalau Mahu Menegur Orang Lain...

Mesej cerita: Lain kali kalau nak sound orang lain, panadng kiri kanan dulu, jangan main laser jer mulut...

Dulu ada lah seorang lecturer aku ni, tegas, menepati masa, garang bertempat dan manis orangnya (tapi dah kahwin dah, dah lama kahwin pun...).

So, satu hari tu, dia masuk lewat. Kitorang pun pelik... Kitorang punyala tunggu apsal kelas tak start-start, dah 15 minit dah, rasa macam nak je keluar balik hostel sambung tidur, dah la kelas awal-awal pagi buta...

Last-last dia masuk...

Rupanya, dia cerita, dia pergi hall sebelah, kelas budak-budak junior, tengah bising-bising sebelum lecture start, habis dia bebel kelas tu! Tak reti nak get ready untuk kelas la, main-main la, takde perangai student final year la, takde masa depanla....

Alih-alih, dia cakap, dia perasan yang muka-muka dalam kelas tu dia tak familiar, dia tanyala kelas tu kelas apa and dewan tu dewan apa, baru dia tahu dia dah salah masuk kelas...

Aku gelak tak ingat dunia (ingat akhirat je...) hari tu!!

Inspirasi dari sini


Apek Botak the Pre-quel

Jabatan Pertanian menjalankan inovasi menghasilkan mesin pemisah lidi, bagi memisahkan lidi daripada daun kelapa dan kelapa sawit bagi memudahkan lembu dan haiwan ternakan yang lain untuk memakan daunnya.

Apek Botak pula menjalankan inovasi dengan memasukkan lidi ke dalam roti gulungnya untuk menyusahkan menyenangkan para rakan yang dihidangkannya roti-roti tersebut...

God Bless Us!

T/t: Inovasi pemangkin ke arah negara yang berdaya saing tinggi...